My Ideal

She says that her idea of an ideal man is one who honors God and submits to Him first. She also adds that he’s full of purpose, kind not to mention that love oozes out of his soul. Anything short of that is not real.. And is yet to identify themselves ✌🏽

The interesting question however is, how many ladies will go for such a man??

My friend argues that such men are sent straight to the friend-zone. They remain here up until when they are needed next. If you’re lucky, you could be promoted to the best-friend level. Better be sure we’ll run to you in case of anything. You'll be the shoulder to cry on... Time and again when 'bad boys' break our hearts.

Truth is, we've all been at that point, had those moments…where we want that bad boy who doesn't have a care in the world. At first it’s thrilling, the adrenaline rush is quite exciting.. till you realize that's not what you want to do for the rest of your life. Till it hits you that you need to be valued and not be in a competition for attention every other time.

How many times have we zoned people because they don't meet the criteria in our little box of wants? Some of these things do not even matter.

We have this unspoken inventory of must-haves that plays on a 24-7 loop in our minds. More often than not, the list contains every seductive, delirious worldly goal you have seen on media.

We fail to see the many good men/women around us coz we're busy looking to satisfy what we want. Forgetting what you actually need.
And after you get what you want, you're still not satisfied coz you actually don't need it!

Its until we drop the things that do not matter in our list, until we drop that TDH, and bad girl-shaped like an hourglass mentality, that we'll see people for who they really are. We'll see beyond their flaws and weaknesses. And we'll stop getting fake.

They say good boys ain't no fun, and bad boys ain't no good.
I say if he doesn't get down on prayer, he doesn't deserve to get down with a ring 🤗



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