Its a trip, not a fall. Get Up!

It's cold and quiet. 
She's alone in the entire house and in deep thought. On the brown sofa lays a Maasai shuka and a blue hat on one corner. She's seated on the other corner nearer to the TV. There's a laptop at her left hand side from where music has been playing, but she switched it off to listen to her thoughts.
In front of her, is a wooden table with some drinks on it.. There's a black currant fanta, and a bottle of whiskey. About 6 used classes and one small tot. There's a small star fish at the middle that is meant for decoration. At the edge is a mouse mat with some keys on top. The sink is full of dirty dishes and pieces of cake are all over.. Even on the red carpet. The bedroom door is open and she can see the blue light shining on the wall where a black hoodie lays. The clock is ticking..
It's 1:15am on Sunday morning .

She however is not at peace. 
She had been up and down looking for it but didn't find it. I guess she has been looking at the wrong places.. Holding on to the wrong things , listening to the wrong ideologies.. Taking a step back into what she was delivered from. It had been weeks of debating in her head and she hadn't taken a step. She felt like she wasn't ready yet. Like she wasn't ready to leave the warmth of the comfort zone and it was consuming her.

She thought to herself   'I used to be wiser'

But when did the rain start beating the roof? 
It started when she concentrated too much on the storms and allowed them to sway her faith.
When she buried herself in her sorrows. When she held pity parties all night long. When she seemed to find 're-assurance' and 'comfort' in the world.

When she trusted Him less
When she doubted the power of the cross
When she ignored the small still voice of the Holy Spirit
When she neglected fellowship and instead sought the counsel of the ungodly
Then she no longer had time to study the word.. To pray.. She eventually stopped being intentional about spending time with her creator..and she was comfortable.

She can tell you as a matter of fact that she shouldn't be in her current position.. But she is.. And she's struggling to think about what is right or wrong. Not that she doesn't know.. But she just wants to enjoy the warmth of the comfort zone.. But then again she can't..

She can't because she's different.
Because she's not of this world.
Because she's been bought at a price and she's by far too valuable.
Deep in her heart, she knows she can't afford to go back to the mud pit of sin..
To the same dungeon that Christ lifted her up from
She can't cuff herself again
She can't chain herself
She knows she has to get up, wipe the dust off her clothes and stand up.
She has to let go of the past and anything that's holding her back
She has to behave like a royal because she's nothing less.
She has to be intentional about her walk with Christ.
She has to know that she's loved..
That she was bought with a price..
That she can't walk around like any other ordinary young woman.
Because she's cut from a different cloth.


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